I wanted to write this blog “Top 7 Things To Do With The 3 Million Photos On Your Phone” after a client of mine was asking on socials what to do with hers on her phone.
Now, while I do print a lot of my personal photos and put in frames, I am just like you and have millions on my phone that just sit there. So what to do with these?
But what if….
- Your phone gets lost/stolen?
- It goes for a swim in the loo whilst we are rushing to have a quick wee before ushering the children out for the school run
- You phone breaks and all data is lost…..RIP
Whereas before phones, we had albums for our photos and had the monthly trip to the Boots or Jessops (with our fingers crossed) to see if we got some good snaps of holidays/birthdays/trips out, now they just sit on our phone or social media.
Working as a Family photographer in Farnham, Surrey I know the importance of photos and the feeling you get when you see your family on the wall and the happy memories.
We got married last year and although we have digital images from our fab photographer Cheryl at Ooberloos Photography we also made sure we printed some for our walls but I still haven’t got around to putting them all in an album! I get it, it’s time consuming. I did however make sure I got a massive 40″ x 30″ deep framed canvas from one of my suppliers above our sofa which I love seeing everyday.
So here are Top 7 Things To Do With The 3 Million Photos On Your Phone
- Use your Amazon Prime membership to store your images. That’s right-it’s included in the membership.
- Use Google photos as your storage and you have 15GB which will come with your Google account.
- Store your images with Dropbox. For personal use, 2000 GB costs £7.99 per month with the option to store files and documents too.
- Buy an external hard drive and I recommend a Seagate one as used the for years. Easily plugged into your laptop and drag and drop!
- Head to Photobox online and make a book of your photos. Do them in year order one at a time.
- Free prints or Snapfish will print your photos from your phone and send through your door. Easy.
- Make a calendar each Christmas for Grandparents, Auntie & Uncles of your fave images from the year.
I hope that inspires you to sort your photos on your phone and get some printed!
I will practise what I am preaching this month and will get to work on a photobook of the last years memories!
Need to update your family images? View my work here: https://photographybyzoe.uk/family
Lots of love
-Photographer Aldershot-Photographer Guildford-Photographer Ash-Photographer Hampshire-Photographer Hampshire-Photographer Surrey-